Jan 20 | 12:00 AM

| Posted: 17 Jan 2001 | Updated: 28 Apr 2011
After combining with the men to defeat the University of Oklahoma last weekend for first place in the World Team Tennis Regionals, the BYU women's team will host Northwestern University at 4 p.m. on Saturday.
Northwestern comes into Provo ranked No. 16 in the nation. They have two ranked singles players in No. 50 Lia Jackson and No. 80 Colleen Cheng.
The Cougars also have some talented players. BYU is ranked No. 46 and senior Jodi Richardson is ranked No. 53 in singles.
Last week , Richardson and teammates Lindsay Ferrell, Lu Oswald and Brooke Ferney had strong performances as they combined with the men's team to defeat the University of Oklahoma, 25-20.