Kenny Cox | Posted: 6 Dec 2021 | Updated: 14 Dec 2021

Kalani Sitake Media Availability – Independence Bowl vs. UAB

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Kalani Sitake WSU Media Availability

BYU head coach Kalani Sitake addressed the media Monday following the announcement of the Independence Bowl against UAB.

The following quotes are from Monday's media availability, including quotes from select players. 

Head coach Kalani Sitake
We're really excited to go out to Shreveport and to play in the Independence Bowl. We’re excited about the opponent being UAB. We have a lot of respect for that program and for the university. It's an honor for us to be on the field and to compete against a wonderful program like UAB.

We’re really excited about the matchup. We're honored to have another opportunity to play together as a team and we’re looking forward to the game, so this is going to be fun for us. Now that we know our opponent, we can get back to work and be a little bit more focused on the team that has tons of weapons and has played really great complimentary football. 

On familiarity with the Independence Bowl
I'm a football junkie, so I'm going to watch every bowl game that I can. This is one that I've watched throughout the years and I've been really impressed with. I've been really impressed with the way they've sent out representatives from the Independence Bowl to our games. I've met a good number of them, and they’re first class, great individuals, great leadership and there's a lot of pride and tradition in that bowl game, so we're really honored to be part of it. 

On UAB’s program
Our guys understand the opponents, they respect them and they see the film. There's not really much that I have to say to them other than what they already know and how they operate. That is to respect their opponents and to see what they've done. In regards to the adversity they have overcome, when something is taken away from you, and then you have another chance at it, they're going to do it right. It's an honor for us to go against them. It's going to be a lot of fun.

On the selection
Once I got the green light on who we’re playing, the focus became prepping for them. I'm not into the narrative outside of what I can control, which is getting the team ready to play. We're looking forward to playing another game. We knew that we earned the right to play another game. Where that game was going to be and who the opponent was is all that I cared about; now we know and the work goes on. So that's the focus.

On playing through injuries
I think it just speaks to the youth on our team and the leadership on our team. I’ve been really impressed with our guys being game ready. We expect everybody to live a certain standard and that means to show up and be tough and play physical, but also play smart and also have a great appreciation for the game and gratitude for the game.

On going to Louisiana
As far as getting our brand out there, I think it's important, especially with us in the future, going to the Big 12, to look at different regions when recruiting and guys that would fit in our culture and fit in our program. We're a faith based institution. So we're going to always preach words of Christ and try to do our best to represent our beliefs. We’re playing a tough game of football, it's physical and violent, but we're going to try to show as much sportsmanship and class as we can. I think we're coming to the right area and I think a lot of fans can appreciate what we bring. 

On the fanbase
Being in the area, being in the region, it's going to be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to meeting great people and our players are too. We’re looking forward to meeting the wonderful people in Shreveport, and we're expecting our fans to be there because they've been there for us ever since I've been a player. So we're looking forward to seeing them. We're expecting Cougar Nation to show up like they always have, and we just want them to know how much we appreciate their support.

Defensive lineman Tyler Batty
On how he hopes the defense improves against UAB
We need to make sure everyone’s doing their job. I’d love to see us shut the run game down more, clean things up overall and continue to improve.

On motivation to play in the bowl game
It’s another chance to get to do what we love. If you’re playing football, you have to love it – a lot. For us, this is another opportunity for us to go out on the field with our teammates, our brothers, go have fun and do what we do.

On the health of the defensive line
You get banged up, especially in the trenches. Our guys are pretty healthy. It’s been nice to have some time to heal up and get the body right as we start into the bowl preparation.

On the performance of running back Tyler Allgeier
He’s a beast. He takes a lot of hits. He gets really banged up. I don’t think I could do it, but he carries the load extremely well and just keeps going.

On playing UAB
I’m not too familiar with the history of their program, but we’re excited to go out and play. Just like any other game we’ve played this season, UAB presents a new challenge, a new opportunity to go out and play football; do what we love.

On the role the defensive line plays in forcing turnovers
Our guys on the defensive line have worked hard. We’ve done everything we can to get pressure on the quarterback, stop the run and force fumbles. Our guys up front deserve some praise for how they’ve helped get those turnovers.

On what he’s learned from this season
This year, I’ve been impressed by the resiliency and preparation of our team. The biggest thing I’ve learned is to trust the guys next to you. I think that’s something we’ve all learned as a unit. We’ve built that trust throughout the season. It’s been a great year and I think it’s also taught us that we can roll. We can be 10-2, 11-1 or 12-0. The experiences this year have brought a lot of momentum and excitement to the program.

Offensive lineman Blake Freeland
On the teams accomplishments this year
As a team we’ve accomplished a lot. Every game we’ve come out and tried to play our very best, and this week is just another opportunity to go out there and put it on all the field.

On reaction to the Independence Bowl
UAB is a solid good team and they will be a great opponent for us to play. I am excited about it and it’s just another opportunity to show what we’ve got.

On bowl practices
We do a lot of skill practice and working on ourselves as a players. Since we have more time to look at our opponent, we’re also able to better ourselves as an individuals and work on our game as a team.

On pushing through team injuries
I am very proud of all the guys have stepped up, filled the role and played it perfectly. I think we’re doing well on both sides of the ball.

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