Born in Bend, Oregon
Parents are Mawa and Nicolas Villarreal
Enjoys water sports, the beach, volleyball and basketball
Majoring in nursing
Before BYU
Prepped at Waldport High School
Four year MVP for the track team
Earned the coaches award as a sophomore
Region Champion in the shot put as a sophomore, junior and senior
Four year 4x100-meter Region Champion
Took first at the Regional Championships in the discus and 100-meter as a senior
Oregon State Champion in the shot put as a senior
Earned runner up in the discus event at the State Championships as a senior
Varsity athlete on both the basketball and volleyball teams
Member and president of the National Honor Society
2013 Mountain Pacific Sports Federation (MPSF) Indoor Track All-Academic
2014 Mountain Pacific Sports Federation (MPSF) Indoor Track All-Academic
PERSONAL BESTS: Shot Put- 14.23m; Discus- 34.63m; Weight Throw- 10.55m